Jesse is out of the hospital and back home to rest!
Saturday October 14th, Jesse passed out from a chronic cough that has been plauging him since 2011. Thankfully Clay Edmondson, Crystal McCrae, and Jesse's girlfriend, Madison Phillips was there to wake him up and call an ambulance. After spending 4 days in the hospital, doctors advised against driving until Jesse's cough is under control. Diagnosis given was
- Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
- Chronic Cough
- Pneumonia
- Post-tussive Syncope
Launch of Limited Run Support Shirts!
"it's very frustrating not being able to work, even with all my side hustles and skills. Honestly, i'm looking at all my bills in the face and have no answer to how they will get paid. I humbly turn to my supporters, friends, and SDS family in hopes that i can lean on them until i get to the bottom of my breathing problems. At the moment, i AM able to work my merchandising business. So! I'm offering special merchandise that will only be available for a few weeks. Once i'm back to working and driving again, i'll NEVER print these designs ever again (health willing). These shirt sale profits will go straight to groceries, rent, and medical supplies for me. Alternatively, if you or someone you know might have a need for custom shirts for yourself, business, or gifts, please reach out and i'd be very happy to get them made for you!" ~ Jesse
Jesse's Custom Clothing Brand "Pets Go RAWR"
Jesse has launched his own custom clothing brand called "Pets Go RAWR!" It's custom Pet shirts with YOUR pet as the star! He is currently running a special on these custom shirts! 10% off your order using promo code: HELPJESSE
Visit to get your very own shirt with YOUR pet on it! Perfect for gifts as well! (click picture)
While i would rather earn my money by giving you new shirts to add to your wardrobe or from my photography/videography skills (or my day job) I'm not really in a position to turn down a helping hand. All donations are very much appreciated! ~ Jesse